This is a modernized version of Tom's Root/Boot (tomsrtbt). While Tom's current (November 2006) release is based on gcc-2.7, libc5, linux 2.2, and Lua 4.0) we set of to significantly modernize this nicely compact Linux flavour. At the end of 2006 the versions in use are: gcc-4.1, dietlibc, Linux 2.6(.18) and Lua-5.1. The version updates do not alone resolve bugs and security issues, they also imply many new driver and techniques as well as the use of dietlibc allows even more significant space saving. Basing on T2 it allows cross building to any Linux architecture as well as fun to work and rebuild the distribution. It is aimed for use on very tiny computers as well as rescue tasks. More informations at: Created and maintained by: Rene Rebe