[COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] T2 SDE: package/*/virt-viewer/virt-viewer.desc [COPY] Copyright (C) 2010 - 2024 The T2 SDE Project [COPY] [COPY] This Copyright note is generated by scripts/Create-CopyPatch, [COPY] more information can be found in the files COPYING and README. [COPY] [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. [COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- [I] A lightweight UI interface of virtualized guest OS [T] The virt-manager application is a desktop user interface for managing [T] virtual machines through libvirt. It primarily targets KVM VMs, but also [T] manages Xen and LXC (linux containers). [U] https://virt-manager.org/ [A] Virtual Machine Manager contributor [M] T2 Project [C] extra/emulator [E] opt gtk-vnc [E] opt libgovirt librest libsoup [E] opt spice-gtk spice-protocol [L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 11.0 [P] X -----5---9 800.100 [D] dbdcba692033048fff0c718c0177c8857038e1e9844489d8c77b3ff1 virt-viewer-11.0.tar.xz https://releases.pagure.org/virt-viewer/