[COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] T2 SDE: package/*/skopeo/skopeo.desc [COPY] Copyright (C) 2024 The T2 SDE Project [COPY] [COPY] This Copyright note is generated by scripts/Create-CopyPatch, [COPY] more information can be found in the files COPYING and README. [COPY] [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. [COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- [I] Work with remote container registries [T] Skopeo is a command line utility that performs various operations on [T] container images and image repositories. [U] https://github.com/containers/skopeo [A] Antonio Murdaca [A] Miloslav Trmač [M] The T2 Project [C] extra/tool [F] CROSS NO-LTO [L] APL [S] Stable [V] 1.16.0 [P] X -----5---9 400.000 [O] . $base/package/*/*/go-conf.in [O] var_remove GCC_WRAPPER_REMOVE ' ' '-gdwarf*' [O] var_append goconfopt ' ' "-o bin/$pkg ./cmd/$pkg" [O] hook_add postmake 5 "cp bin/$pkg $root$bindir" [D] 41c2a02914399c51f6dfcdc55f7b8579548d78ebd75960775a46f2cf skopeo-1.16.0.tar.gz https://github.com/containers/skopeo/archive/v1.16.0/