[COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-BEGIN --- [COPY] t2/package/*/xfce4-dev-tools/xfce4-dev-tools.desc [COPY] Copyright (C) 2021 - 2025 The T2 SDE Project [COPY] SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 [COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-END --- [I] Tools and macros to build Xfce from Git [T] The Xfce development tools are a collection of tools and macros for Xfce [T] developers and people that want to build Xfce from Git. In addition it [T] contains the Xfce developer's handbook. [U] https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-dev-tools/start [A] Benedikt Meurer [M] Tomas Glozar [F] CROSS [C] extra/desktop/xfce [L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 4.20.0 [P] X ?----5---9 222.350 [O] atstage toolchain || . $base/package/xfce4/*/xfce4-conf.in [D] dc0c51fe56d23bab765b074dee81f7a10576a6a1e5c1f5f3f3f99ec3 xfce4-dev-tools-4.20.0.tar.bz2 https://archive.xfce.org/src/xfce/xfce4-dev-tools/4.20/