[COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by scripts/Create-CopyPatch. [COPY] [COPY] T2 SDE: package/*/quotatool/quotatool.desc [COPY] Copyright (C) 2007 - 2021 The T2 SDE Project [COPY] [COPY] More information can be found in the files COPYING and README. [COPY] [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the [COPY] GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING. [COPY] --- T2-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END --- [I] A utility for setting filesystem quota from the command line [T] Quotatool is a utility for setting and manipulating filesystem quotas [T] from the command line. It supports quota on Linux (versions 2.6, 2.4, [T] and 2.2, with ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, and XFS), Solaris, and AIX. [U] https://quotatool.ekenberg.se [A] Mike Glover [M] The T2 Project [C] base/system [F] CROSS [L] GPL [S] Stable [V] 1.6.2 [P] X -----5---9 800.000 # no DESTDIR [O] var_append extraconfopt ' ' '--bindir=\${DESTDIR}$bindir --datadir=\${DESTDIR}$datadir --mandir=\${DESTDIR}$mandir' [D] 6df993223994fa5426ca7ae1eec8dbdda4141d8d0b35274ea1ce521e quotatool-1.6.2.tar.gz http://quotatool.ekenberg.se/